Teaching at the University of Memphis
- Ecology and Environmental Issues
- International Wildlife Issues
- Physiological Aspects of Animal Behavior
- General Biology II
- Animal Communication Graduate Seminar and Writing Workshop
- Behavioral Ecology Graduate Seminar and Writing Workshop
Teaching at Iowa State University
- Wildlife Behavioral Ecology Undergraduate Seminar
- Wildlife Ecology and Management
- Yellowstone National Park Field Course
- Topics in Animal Behavior Graduate Seminar
- Principles of Wildlife Conservation and Management
- Altitudinal Ecology Graduate Seminar and Field Course
- International Wildlife Issues
- Behavioral Ecology Graduate Seminar
Previous teaching
- Courses: Comparative Physiology (with laboratory), Animal Behavior, Conservation Biology (with field work), Junior Tutorial in Statistics, Natural History of African Mammals (with field work), Desert Ecology (day course with field work), Natural History of Desert Species (day course with field work), Invasive Species Management (day course with field work).
- Co-led courses: Laboratory Biology, Laboratory and Field Biology.
- Teaching Assistantships: Evolution and Behavior of the Sexes, Ecology of Fields and Forests, Conservation Biology, Evolutionary Ecology.
- Mentorships: I have served as a mentor to nearly 40 Princeton seniors working on their senior theses. I have taught them field and data collection techniques, and have advised them on the analysis and interpretation of behavioral and demographic data for three ungulate species: feral horses, white-tailed deer, and cattle.
- Outreach: I created and lead interpretive hikes at the Phillip L. Boyd Deep Canyon Desert Research Center, focusing on the area’s natural history and archaeological significance, and instituted the Phillip L. Boyd Deep Canyon Public Lecture Series, which continues to offer presentations by local biologists and historians.